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The tdf# is important because it gives a reference to bugzilla, and some automatic mechanisms use 

The <short description of bug> is to describe what was the problem. For most bugs you cannot 
(should not) describe how you solved it in just one line.

If you look at the commit messages, most people have a rather long description of how is was 
solved, which is good to get understanding of the patch.

A script can collect both the title (first line) as well as the full text, use the REST-API for 
that. You can e.g. find one in dev-tools (work in progress)

jan i.

Sent from my iPad, please excuse any misspellings 

I found an issue in recommended commit message format:
   tdf#12345 <short description of bug>
   <empty line>
   <description of how the bug was solved>
I had been doing so, but was recommended to describe what change has the patch make instead in 
the first line because reader can see what has been changed when collected by script.

Mark Hung
LibreOffice mailing list


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