Hi Alex, On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 05:37:35AM -0700, Alex F <alexfongg@gmail.com> wrote:
Been using the following settings in autogen.input to build LO after a make clean. --enable-debug --enable-selective-debuginfo="sw/" --with-distro=LibreOfficeAndroid --with-android-ndk=/home/alex/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle --with-android-sdk=/home/alex/Android/Sdk
This means you'll get debug symbols in sw/ only, while the password protection code is not specific for Writer, it's shared with Calc and Impress as well. Passwords a probably entered via an interaction handler, see LOKInteractionHandler::handleInteractionRequest() in desktop/source/lib/lokinteractionhandler.cxx, perhaps that's what has to be extended. Probably you can do the hard part of this feature in a normal desktop build against gtktiledviewer, and only the Android-specific part in an Android build -- that should help your debugging. :-) Regards, Miklos
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