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Hmmm… this sounds like an issue the RC builder should be catching. Or at the very least, we should 
have something in the built script that ensures that Windows sort does NOT do this. 

This version of sort - is this a cygwin supplied version, or is it literally a Windows version?


On 4 Jan 2016, at 2:42 AM, Jan-Marek Glogowski <> wrote:

Hi Jan,

Am 03.01.2016 um 16:09 schrieb Jan Rheinländer:
[build RC ] basegfx/default
[build RC ] sax/default
Die Eingabedatei wurde zweimal angegeben.             <<<=== The input
file was mentioned twice (my translation)

recipe for target
make[1]: ***
Error 1
make[1]: *** Deleting file
make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
Makefile:250: recipe for target 'build' failed
make: *** [build] Error 2

What's wrong?

I know these errors. And I had multiple others for my Windows build of
LO 5.0 on a German Windows 7 VM.

The following quote is my Jenkins job, which actually runs the build:

# Clean temp, as a lot of checks don't remove their temporary files
set +e
rm -rf /tmp/*
set -e

# Ignore Unix executable bit in Windows, as everything is executable
# Prevents all the changed file attributes which break submodule update
git config core.filemode false
git submodule foreach git config core.filemode false
git submodule update

# We have to set the PATH to include Cygwin /usr(local/)?/bin
# even if it's discouraged in the build documentation
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH"

MAKE=/opt/lo/bin/make-msvc \
GNUMAKE=/opt/lo/bin/make-msvc \
./ \
--enable-pch \
--disable-ccache \
--disable-cve-tests \
--with-ant-home='/cygdrive/c/sources/apache-ant-1.9.4' \
--with-external-tar='/cygdrive/c/sources/lo-external' \
--with-jdk-home='/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Java/jdk1.8.0_51' \
--with-junit='/cygdrive/c/sources/junit-4.10.jar' \
--disable-extension-update \
--disable-online-update \
--enable-extension-integration \
--enable-release-build \
--enable-ext-nlpsolver \
--enable-ext-wiki-publisher \
--with-build-version="${BUILD_NUMBER}" \
--with-help \
--with-java \
--with-lang='de fr es it pt' \
--with-myspell-dicts \
--with-package-format=msi \

# For verbose output add: GMAKE_OPTIONS='VERBOSE=1'

Without the adapted $PATH, my build uses Windows version of "sort",
which adds Windows newlines to sorted files - like the ilist files -
which break the build.




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