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On 15/06/2015 20:53, Noel Grandin wrote:

Try this:
    find . -name *.idl | xargs grep 'close()'
    find . -name *.idl | xargs grep 'unlock'
should find you a bunch like


So, having searched a bit further along these lines,
- Could technically be done, but I can't see any use of it outside the bridge code (where block level context management would be fairly pointless)
- Referenced by svx/source/table/tablemodel.cxx, but I see precisely zero mention of it being used in user code. No UNO service or interface actually declares its use. Unless anyone can come up with an actual use case, I'd skip it.

The more likely candidates seem to be:
- This one is on pretty solid ground and covers all sorts of things like database statements and result sets which could usefully be context managed at the block level
- As previously mentioned, locking/unlocking controllers is a pretty common thing to do and would benefit from the sugar. Riccardo Magliocchetti separately pointed out on IRC an example where he used a wrapper class context manager to control the closing of documents, which would correspond instead to a controller on - which is also implemented by document components. These two behaviours wouldn't happily coexist on the same object, and I think in terms of macro programming at least, the controller locking is more useful. As ( also takes an argument, which couldn't be supplied using the "with obj: ..." syntax, I think this use case would be better dealt with by a function or class decorator if it's generally useful, rather than in the PyUNO core at the interface level.
- Could be used to lock interface updates while changing UI. I see one or two examples of user code using this.
- Possible but unsure how useful. I see one example of a user having (unsuccessfully) attempted to use this. It couldn't in any case be implemented without a working use case to test.
- Could be occasionally useful

- Potentially quite useful, but as with it requires an argument on the setup side, and would be better served by a decorator style controller

Matthew Francis


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