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On 05.06.2015 01:44, Regina Henschel wrote:
Hi all,

I struggle with the clipboard. My goal is to import MathML in module 
Math from clipboard, similar as it is imported from file. But I'm stuck. 
Therefore some questions:

Has someone tried such already and found, that it is not possible?

i have no idea about clipboards or Math, but i'm armed with git grep :)

The comments in file exchange.cxx refer to a document "CLIP.SDW". Has 
someone this document and can provide it?

ehhh.... i'd not hold my breath on that one :)

I have added a .uno command which is executed in 
SmViewShell::Execute(SfxRequest& rReq)

My current attempt looks like this:

TransferableDataHelper aDataHelper( 
TransferableDataHelper::CreateFromSystemClipboard(GetEditWindow()) );
SotFormatStringId nId;
DataFlavorExVector* pFormats;
pFormats = &aDataHelper.GetDataFlavorExVector();
DataFlavorExVector::iterator aIter( 
((DataFlavorExVector&)*pFormats).begin() ),
((DataFlavorExVector&)*pFormats).end() );
while ( aIter != aEnd )
     nId = (*aIter).mnSotId;

I get some nId-values and for some of them I can get a stream and can 
look at the content. But the clipboard content, which is generated by 
the Windows program "Math Input Control" (mip.exe) is not noticed. But I 
see that the clipboard has a content "MathML" and a content "MathML 
Presentation" using the clipboard viewer "Free Clipboard Viewer 2.0". 
Why do I get no nId for it?


struct DataFlavorEx : public ::com::sun::star::datatransfer::DataFlavor

this has a "SotClipboardFormatId mnSotId" and a "string MimeType" - how
does the system specifc clipboard data get translated to that...

The numbers I get in nId are those from the list in exchange.cxx, and 
for "application/mathml+xml", which is not listed there, I get the next 
one following the list. But how can I get the MimeType or the 
HumanPresentableName for the detected nId? My following try does not 
work, the strings are empty in all cases:

::com::sun::star::datatransfer::DataFlavor aFlavor;
SotExchange::GetFormatDataFlavor( nId, aFlavor ) )
String sHumanPresentableName(aFlavor.HumanPresentableName);
String sMimeType(aFlavor.MimeType);

include/sot/formats.hxx: enum class SotClipboardFormatId

there is no MathML in there, but various STARMATH_* ones.

    // the point at which we start allocating "runtime" format IDs

so what you probably have as ID is "user-defined", which means we can't
do anything with it really.

it looks like there needs to be some mapping from the OS-specific
clipboard to these office-internal IDs - if there's no ID for MathML it
can't be mapped.

there is a big array in sot/source/base/exchange.cxx, you probably need
to add an entry for MathML there.

the array is ordered and indexed by the SotClipboardFormatId.

/* 48 SotClipboardFormatId::STARMATH_50*/            {
5.0\"", "StarMath 5.0", &cppu::UnoType<Sequence<sal_Int8>>::get() },

that's the mime-type and human-readable name.

i was wondering how this would work on Windows, given that the Win32
clipboard presumably does not use mime-types; apparently the
";windows_formatname=\"...\"" appendix to the mime-type here covers that.

I try to use SmViewShell::InsertFrom(SfxMedium &rMedium). It seems to 
work, but when the process arrives at SmXMLImport::endDocument(void), 
the node tree is empty.  Any tips, what I might have missed?

how do you prepare the SfxMedium?  i'm not sure if it requires an actual
file, or if it can read from an input stream (XInputStream); it probably
can't read from a Sequence<sal_Int8> buffer directly...

there is a SfxMedium::setStreamToLoadFrom() which looks promising.

you can create an input stream from the buffer via SvMemoryStream and
then wrap that in utl::OInputStreamWrapper.


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