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I tried running make with the --debug parameter, and that gave this output,
if that is helpful:

$ /opt/lo/bin/make --debug vs2013-ide-integration
GNU Make 4.0
Built for Windows32
Copyright (C) 1988-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <

This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Reading makefiles...
GNU Make 4.0
Built for Windows32
Copyright (C) 1988-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <

This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Reading makefiles...
Updating goal targets....
 File 'vs2013-ide-integration' does not exist.
Must remake target 'vs2013-ide-integration'.
cd C:/sources/libo-core && (LC_MESSAGES=C C:/cygwin/opt/lo/bin/make
bin/make -npf Makefile.gbuild all" cmd || true) |
C:/sources/libo-core/bin/gbuild-to-ide -
-ide vs2013
make[1]: *** [cmd] Error 127
Solution LibreOffice:
Successfully remade target file 'vs2013-ide-integration'.


2015-02-16 20:40 GMT+01:00 Jesper Hertel <>:


I just tried building LibreOffice for 32-bit Windows on a 64-bit Windows 7
Home Premium machine using Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition.

I have never built LibreOffice before, and I have carefully followed the
instructions from and
used all the recommended settings and paths. My Cygwin is 64-bit and the
used Java JDK is 32-bit.

My autogen.input for building LibreOffice is this:

--with-jdk-home=/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Java/jdk1.8.0_31

and I ran the build from the Cygwin bash shell using this command:

./ && /opt/lo/bin/make

with current directory being


which is the root of the tree cloned from git://

As instructed, I built directly to the source tree to get Visual Studio

After the first attempted builds failed, I pulled a more recent master
that didn't fail on Tinkerbox, and I think the build succeeded then. There
were no errors, but there were also no "Build successful" message or
similar in the end. The output just ended with this:

[build SLC] sw
[build SLC] libreoffice
[build SLC] loaded modules: UnoControls accessibility accessories android
animations apache-commons apple_remote avmedia basctl basebmp basegfx basic
bean beanshell binaryurp boost bridges canvas chart2 clew cli_ure clucene
codemaker coinmp collada2gltf comphelper configmgr connectivity cppcanvas
cppu cppuhelper cppunit cpputools cui curl dbaccess desktop drawinglayer
dtrans editeng embeddedobj embedserv eventattacher expat extensions
external extras filter firebird forms formula fpicker framework glew glm
graphite helpcompiler hsqldb hunspell hwpfilter hyphen i18nlangtag i18npool
i18nutil icu idl idlc instsetoo_native iojavaunohelper jfreereport
jpeg-turbo jurt jvmaccess jvmfwk l10ntools lcms2 libabw libcdr libcmis
libebook libetonyek libexttextcat libfreehand libgltf liblangtag libmspub
libmwaw libodfgen liborcus libpagemaker libpng librelogo libreoffice
libreofficekit librevenge libvisio libwpd libwpg libwps libxml2 libxmlsec
libxslt lingucomponent linguistic lotuswordpro lpsolve mdds more_fonts
msc-externals mythes neon nss o3tl offapi officecfg oovbaapi ooxopencl
opencollada openssl package poppler postgresql postprocess python3 pyuno
qadevOOo readlicense_oo redland registry remotebridges reportbuilder
reportdesign rhino ridljar rscsal salhelper sax sc scaddins sccomp scp2
scripting sd sdext setup_native sfx2 shell slideshow smoketest solenv
soltools sot starmath stoc store svgio svl svtools svx sw swext sysui test
testtools toolkit tools tubes ucb ucbhelper ucpp udkapi unodevtools unoidl
unoil unotest unotools unoxml ure uui vbahelper vcl vigra winaccessibility
wizards writerfilter writerperfect xmerge xmlhelp xmloff xmlreader
xmlscript xmlsecurity zlib

But after that, it was possible to start LibreOffice Dev
using C:\sources\libo-core\instdir\program\soffice.exe, so I guess the
build was successful???

Then I tried to build the Visual Studio 2013 solution file using

/opt/lo/bin/make vs2013-ide-integration

with current directory being /cygdrive/c/sources/libo-core.

That gave me this entire output:

cd C:/sources/libo-core && (LC_MESSAGES=C C:/cygwin/opt/lo/bin/make
cmd="C:/cygwin/opt/lo/bin/make -npf Makefile.gbuild all" cmd || true) |
C:/sources/libo-core/bin/gbuild-to-ide --ide vs2013
make[1]: *** [cmd] Error 127
Solution LibreOffice:

After that, the LibreOffice.sln file is 353 bytes and only contains this:

Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Unit Tests|Win32 = Unit Tests|Win32
Integration tests|Win32 = Integration tests|Win32
Build|Win32 = Build|Win32
GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution

and there are no other recently created *.sln files in the entire
source/build directory tree.

The error from make (Error 127) is not so helpful and gives me no clue to
what is wrong.

Does anybody know what could be wrong?

I would really like to be able to use the comfort of Visual Studio to
browse around the source code.

Best regards,


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