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Hi Sophie,

Sophie píše v Po 26. 01. 2015 v 16:19 +0100:

Pootle will show you a modified string, even if it doesn't affect your
translation you will have to validate the string again to have it on a
translated state. Also we don't all work on Pootle, several of us are
working off line and Pootle is only a repository for our files.

But the offline files are taken from Pootle too - right?  So if fixes
are done at the time of uploading to Pootle, everybody gets them -

That's why we were thinking of a en_US version as a real language and
different from the sources and

But at some stage this will have to apply to the sources - and at that
time, it will be even worse than now :-(  I'm afraid having en_US as a
separate language will make the situation worse, not better.

 also about scripting changes when
possible (like the substitution of ~ by _)

Sure - so I think this was something that could have been automatized
with a trivial script; when this was noticed for the first time, please?
Pity that it was not brought to the ESC as a problem...

Translators are for most of them non technical people and will not see a
commit, but only the result on Pootle, sometimes months later.

The "months later" is the problem, not the non-technicality :-)  It is
enough to send "something happened yesterday - please check what's up";
similarly to how people are checking the daily builds.

Also - should we have a 'Localization' recurring topic in the ESC?  Who
would be the right representative there, please?

Maybe not as a recurring topic, but something that should be in mind of
UX team and developers when they commit or check for commits that have a
huge impact on l10n.

Well - if it's not recurring, it's easy to forget ;-)  Also I think it
will be more effective to discuss this there - are you able to join this

All the best,


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