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On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 5:08 PM, Renato Ferreira <> wrote:
I’ve been looking to get involved for a while but I am not really sure
where to start, it will defiantly be small. ;)  I’ve checked out and built
the code and I did run into a problem with one of the unit tests, the
specific problem that I am seeing was actually discussed on the list:

Incidentally, the result I get for the failed test, getXPath(pXmlDoc,
"//a:srcRect", "l").toInt32(), is:


assertion failed
- Expression: getXPath(pXmlDoc, "//a:srcRect", "l").toInt32() <= 21856

I didn’t notice that this problem, if it is a problem, was resolved.


I did run into this problem, as you have found out, but the value I got was
different and, after we concluded that it was still acceptable, I pushed a
change for the new value 22452.

What system are you using?

based on /Users/... and the actual test failure, I'll bet a Mac with
retina display.



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