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Hello All:

I’ve been looking to get involved for a while but I am not really sure where to start, it will 
defiantly be small. ;)  I’ve checked out and built the code and I did run into a problem with one 
of the unit tests, the specific problem that I am seeing was actually discussed on the list: 

Incidentally, the result I get for the failed test, getXPath(pXmlDoc, "//a:srcRect", 
"l").toInt32(), is: 

assertion failed
- Expression: getXPath(pXmlDoc, "//a:srcRect", "l").toInt32() <= 21856

I didn’t notice that this problem, if it is a problem, was resolved. 

In any case, I looked through the list of Bugs on Bugzilla looking for Easy CPP Hacks and found 
87026. I’ve been looking at it and though it certainly appears easy, I don’t really have any 
experience with Glade.

So I am wondering was there any resolution to the unit test problem that I saw, can I provide any 
additional information that might fix it? Is there something I might be able to do to fix it?

Regarding the 87026 task, I am interested in assisting; is there somewhere I can get more 
information on the UI or someone who might be able to discuss it with me? Or perhaps there is a 
better place for me to start.

Thanks. :)



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