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On 11/25/2014 09:13 AM, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
So dropping MSVC 2012 for 2013 would give us six new features:

* Variadic templates
* Initializer lists
* Default template argumetns for function templates
* Explicit conversion operators
* Raw string literals
* Defaulted and deleted functions

And additionally dropping GCC 4.6 for 4.7 would give us an additional
three new features:

* Non-static data member initializers
* Alias templates
* Delegating constructors

In yesterday's ESC we decided to on master drop MSVC 2012 in favor of 2013 but keep GCC 4.6 for now. (Which means that the features in the upper list will presumably become available on master while those in the lower list presumably won't. I write "presumably" because the theory of the compilers' feature advertisements still has to pass the test of real-life usage in that notorious toolchain killer called LO. Try things out with caution first.)

Maintainers of active Windows tinderboxes (on cc, as of <>), please make sure until, say, mid of next week (Dec 3) that they are using MSVC 2013 for master builds. I'll then make configure fail on anything less.


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