I've discovered (via the tinderboxes...) that --with-system-odbc
doesn't work on Microsoft Windows. Microsoft Windows is the "reference
platform" of ODBC (the platform that *defines* ODBC), I had *much*
*much* rather we use (on the reference platform) the headers provided
by the platform, rather than some headers meant for ANOTHER platform
(namely, Unix) which *try* to be compatible (and maybe are in a
bug-free way, but why take the risk).
So, if some LibreOffice developer with Microsoft Windows experience
could debug why "--with-system-odbc" doesn't find the ODBC headers on
Windows, I'd be very grateful. I expect they are in the platform SDK,
maybe in some optional part of it, ...
Thanks in advance.
On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 02:59:31PM +0200, Jan Holesovsky wrote:
Hi Lionel,
kendy@suse.cz píše v Út 16. 09. 2014 v 12:03 +0000:
checking for sqlext.h... no
configure: error: odbc not found. install odbc
Error running configure at /home/tinderbox/master/autogen.sh line 258.
I've reverted the 'Use system ODBC on MS Windows unless specifically
overriden' for now, it breaks the Windows tinderboxes...
All the best,
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