Hi Winfried, On Monday, 2014-07-21 11:39:30 +0200, Winfried Donkers wrote:
Neither XclExpFmlaCompImpl::AppendTrailingParam(), nor XclExpFmlaCompImpl::FinishFunction() gets hit when set as a breakpoint in gdb.
That confirms my assumption that it is due to the change that formula expressions are now written using the compiler internals.
It seems to me that re-implementing the OOXML export functionality is rather a complex business, i.e. not something suitable for me. Shall I create a bug report for this?
There are already entry points that do something similar for the old non-ODFF (aka PODF) OOo-XML format, i.e. in formula/source/core/api/FormulaCompiler.cxx FormulaCompiler::CreateStringFromTokenArray() and in formula/source/core/api/token.cxx all functions with *Rewrite*() The MissingConvention and FormulaMissingContext need to handle also the OOXML cases, or probably better create a derived MissingConvention for the OOXML case so there are less explicit comparisons and/or switch cases to differentiate. _Maybe_ that and the code in XclExpFmlaCompImpl::AppendTrailingParam() could even be united in some way to diminish code duplication. If you want to take a stab at this just tell me, otherwise I'll do. A bug report might be good so things don't get lost. Eike -- LibreOffice Calc developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer. GPG key ID: 0x65632D3A - 2265 D7F3 A7B0 95CC 3918 630B 6A6C D5B7 6563 2D3A Support the FSFE, care about Free Software! https://fsfe.org/support/?erack
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