Hi Winfried, On Tuesday, 2014-07-15 12:28:35 +0200, Winfried Donkers wrote:
The Calc function GAMMADIST has an optional 4th argument (cumulative), whereas this argument is mandatory for Excel. When saving a document with function GAMMADIST as xls, this argument is added if necessary (in /sc/source/filter/excel/xeformula.cxx). When saving this document as xlsx, this argument is not added.
That's odd, XclExpFmlaCompImpl::AppendTrailingParam() is called in XclExpFmlaCompImpl::FinishFunction() that should be called also for OOXML export (or was it?). Best to place a breakpoint there and see if/when it gets hit. BUT, I think I might know why it doesn't get called anymore ... the OOXML formula string is now directly generated from the token array, which bypasses all mechanisms we had in place for the Excel binary export and the earlier OOXML export benefitted from. It may be we have to re-implement that entirely :-( and end up with an almost duplicated functionality..
Is this currently not implemented? Where is the code for this argument-adding supposed to be located? As I want to use the same principle for F.DIST (see fdo#40835), which also has a 4th argument that is optional in ODFF1.2 and mandatory in Excel, and maybe more functions.
Would make sense to add those similar to the existing ones. Eike -- LibreOffice Calc developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer. GPG key ID: 0x65632D3A - 2265 D7F3 A7B0 95CC 3918 630B 6A6C D5B7 6563 2D3A Support the FSFE, care about Free Software! https://fsfe.org/support/?erack
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