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Hi GSoC mentors,

The mid-term evaluations are just now! So, head to Google Melange and
submit them before Friday. In case you really can't fill the evaluation
your self, ask either your co-mentor or one of your beloved admins
(Fridrich, Thorsten or myself) to do it.

Below are the questions of the form.

     1. How many years have you been a mentor for Google Summer of
        Code (Total - this doesn’t have to be consecutive)?
             1. This is my first year
             2. 2-3 years 
             3. More than 3 years 
     2. If you answered “2-3 years” or “more than 3 years” as a
        mentor, what years did you participate?
     3. How many years have you been a student in Google Summer of
             1. I have never been a student
             2. 1 year
             3. 2 years
             4. 3+ years
     4. If you answered 2 years or 3+ years, what years did you
        participate as a student?
     5. At what point did you first make contact with your student? 
             1. Before the program was announced 
             2. After my organization was selected to participate in
                Google Summer of Code
             3. During the student application/acceptance phase of the
             4. During the community bonding period
             5. After the start of coding 
     6. How often do you and your student interact? 
             1. Daily 
             2. Every few days 
             3. Weekly 
             4. Every few weeks 
             5. Monthly 
             6. Less than once a month
     7. How do you communicate with your student? (Check all that
             1. Google+ Hangout
             2. Voice (phone, Skype, etc.) 
             3. IM/IRC 
             4. Private emails 
             5. Mailing Lists 
             6. Student blog updates 
             7. In-person meeting(s) 
             8. Other
     8. Of the communication methods listed above, which do you use
        most frequently? 
     9. How much time do you spend on Google Summer of Code per week
        (take into consideration your interactions with your student
        as well as time working with your org and on your own)?
             1. 1-5 hours 
             2. 5-10 hours 
             3. 10-15 hours 
             4. 15-20 hours 
             5. More than 20 hours per week
    10. How many time zones apart from your student are you? 
             1. Less than 3 
             2. 3-6 
             3. More than 6 
    11. How often do you require status updates from your student? 
             1. Daily 
             2. Every few days 
             3. Weekly 
             4. Only when explicitly asked for by me
    12. Please rate the quality of your interactions and
        communications with the student (consider his/her
        communication with you as well as your responses). 
             1. Very Good (Student is regularly responsive and the
                quality of communication is high)
             2. Good (Student is somewhat responsive and the quality
                of communication is okay)
             3. Bad (Student is only somewhat or not at all responsive
                and the quality of communication is low)
    13. Please rate the quality of the student’s interactions with
        your organization and community. 
             1. Very Good (Student is regularly responsive and the
                quality of communication is high)
             2. Good (Student is somewhat responsive and the quality
                of communication is okay)
             3. Bad (Student is only somewhat or not at all responsive
                and the quality of communication is low)
    14. Is your student on track to complete his/her project? 
             1. The student has already completed his/her project 
             2. He/she is ahead of schedule 
             3. He/she is on schedule 
             4. He/she is behind schedule 
    15. Please rate the quality of code/work the student has produced
        thus far.
             1. Amongst the best people I’ve ever worked with 
             2. Solid-quality performance 
             3. Good performance 
             4. Mediocre performance 
             5. Disappointing or not performing at all 
    16. Give an example of a very good or very bad interaction you had
        with your student.
    17. Anything else you’d like to tell us or suggestions on how we
        could improve the program? 
    18. For the midterm evaluation, should this student pass or fail? 
             1. Pass 
             2. Fail 
    19. If you chose “fail” above, please fill in the reason for



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