I am not talking about Excel/Calc.
I am talking about Word /Writer.
Please let me know if this can be done on Word/Writer.
Sayantan Das
Use Linux. Be free !
On 25 May 2014 21:44, Jean-Joseph THIBAULT <jjthibault@tekonorma.fr> wrote:
I think you're outdated.
Here is the screenshot for Excel version 2010 MSO
And capture for LibreOffice Version
Jean-Joseph THIBAULT
Le 25/05/2014 10:56, Sayantan Das a écrit :
Hi There,
In MS Word, we have this option which helps to delete cells from a
table. THis option is not available in LO Writer or may be I dont know the
correct approach. Can anyone let me know if this is possible at all?
Please see the attached screenshot from MS Word for clarity.
[image: Inline images 1]
Sayantan Das
Use Linux. Be free !
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