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Hi Julien,

On Sat, Mar 22, 2014 at 06:47:05AM -0700, julien2412 <> wrote:
The [] operator is to retrieve the nth element of the sorted vector. I don't
figure out how map would replace vector here? What key to use?

Nah, you just mentioned in general, that you would need a set (which is
a sorted container where the key is not separated from the value) which
has an operator[], and I believe map is just that.

Above all, do you think it worths it to spend some time on searching a way
to replace the vector implementation or am I misleading? I must recognize
it's just some guessing, I haven't profiled anything.

First, if you want to improve performance, then please always profile,
premature optimization just makes the code more complex without too much
benefits. :-)

Second, the logic to decide how to sort an SwSortedObj seems to be
ObjAnchorOrder (sw/source/core/layout/sortedobjs.cxx), if you want to
replace SwSortedObjs with something more generic, maybe use
o3tl::sorted_vector for this purpose?

That works quite well for e.g. SwRedlineTbl already.


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