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Le 14/03/2014 13:40, Caolán McNamara a écrit :

Have you a link to an example because type 1 fonts "just work", there
was no removal of support for those. The "add fonts" ability of spadmin
was removed in 2012 and prior to that was only visible if your system
didn't support fontconfig which is a practically impossible situation
for many years now so I'd like to understand that comment a little more.

Not off-hand, I'd have to trawl through the LO user mailing list - the
problems might have been linked to a particular OS or particular Type1
fonts, I don't remember exactly now.

This could previously be set up in a PPD and included via spadmin,
including on Mac OSX. 

I'm a little baffled, spadmin on MacOSX ?, what version included spadmin
on MacOSX ? We certainly don't do it now.

Yes, I wasn't talking about LO, but during OOo times, before the switch
to CUPS printing, this was possible.

If there are cases where fiddling with the ppd manually and adding that
via spadmin worked, would not the same solution work by using the system
tools to set the replacement ppd for the printer ? e.g. using
system-config-printer under Fedora and "provide PPD file"

Unfortunately, I have no idea. My comments were made not to discourage
you from going ahead with your plan, just to relate what I had seen on
the LO mailing list and my own previous experience of before/after the
switch to CUPS printing, both on Linux and OSX.

Questions / bugs about PS Type1 support :

The last one, in particular (seocnd to last comment), provides a
workaround for creating AFM/PFM files on Linux, but note that this
didn't used to be a requirement, before the switch to CUPS printing was
made - previously, Type1 fonts were recognized in OOo "automagically".



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