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On 2014-02-21 16:21, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
Jan Holesovsky wrote:
* Problems in image scaling code (Markus)
     + can we use openmp there?  anybody against?
     + gcc and visual studio both support that [Markus]
     + easy to use [Markus]

Another piece to look at are intel's TBB, which in my mind are _much_
more idiomatic for c++ code. I'm always reminded of fortran when I see
openmp code. ;)

For vcl/source/gdi/* - that is clearly rife of inefficiencies & funny
algorithms. A plan back in the day was to replace code there with
calls to basebmp stuff one by one, though somehow I never got to
it. But it would be nice to have _one_ place for filtering & image
scaling, instead of three in vcl, one in each application, and one in

Wasn't there a plan at one point to make use of Cairo and/or Pixman for such things?

I would have thought they'd have pretty efficient versions of stuff like that by now.



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