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--- Comment #8 from Andrew <> ---
Proposed workflow, taking advantage of links.txt to remap icon references at

After creating a canonical icon, and searching source for references to the
duplicate .png icon file…

1. No reference found in source:
- ICON     - Delete redundant png file.
- SOURCE - No action required.
- LINKS - aLink - Remove any old links. Add link to canonical icon to be safe.
Tag: '#unreferenced' for future removal.
- LINKS - aOriginal - Replace any references, to point to the canonical icon.
- LOG - Note: 'No source reference found for icon. Complete link removal after
further investigations'.

2. Referenced only by full path:
- ICON     - Delete redundant png file.
- SOURCE - Modify source reference, so that the full path points to new
canonical icon.
- LINKS - aLink - Remove any old links (every theme should have the canonical
icon, or fallback to Galaxy icon thru packimages build script).
- LINKS - aOriginal - Replace any references, to point to the canonical icon.
- LOG - None required.

3. Referenced by .uno:Controller:
- ICON     - Delete redundant png file.
- SOURCE - Do not change any .uno:Command function names or code. Safe to
modify other source references with the full path to the canonical icon. 
- LINKS - aLink - Remove any old links. Add link to canonical icon. Tag:
'#command123', where '123' is the number of uno references found (for sorting).
- LINKS - aOriginal - Replace any references, to point to the canonical icon.
- LOG - Note: 'Referenced by .uno:Command. Icon name maintained through

4. Referenced by ImageList index:
- ICON     - Delete redundant png file.
- SOURCE - Do not change any index numbers, reference or code. Safe to modify
other source references with the full path to the canonical icon. 
- LINKS - aLink - Remove any old links. Add link to canonical icon. Tag:
'#imagelist', for future fixing / removal.
- LINKS - aOriginal - Replace any references, to point to the canonical icon.
- LOG - Note: 'Referenced by ImageList index. Icon name maintained through

It is unlikely an icon will fall under both types 3 & 4.

- Fix Copyright notices to include new Canonical name after original, i.e.
'X.png' becomes 'X.png (> Y.png)'. CopyrightsHuman CopyrightsTango
- Change any references in helpcontent2 (Modify source reference, so that the
full path points to new canonical icon.)
- Fix filenames of SVG files and inside(?) (e.g 'select.svg' inside
'Select.SVG' ?).
- Other references within svg files used to build icon sets.

Push to Gerrit:
1) Main changes to LibO source.
2) Updates to helpcontent2
Pull request on Github:
3) SVG (& links.txt?) changes to Sifr theme
4) SVG & links.txt changes to Tango-experimental theme

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