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On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 12:01:21PM +0100, Bjoern Michaelsen wrote:
== short term ==

To keep the highest=MAB equivalence clean, some regular (weekly?) checking for
bugs that are priority:highest and not a MAB would be needed. Such bugs could
be seen as "proposed MABs" and either be:
- promoted to a MAB with the usual procedure (rationale etc.)
- or respectfully rejected and bumped to priority:high

Someone volunteering for this task?

If so, it would be interesting:
- how many such bugs there are each week
- what is their quality (as in: how many are good MABs? how many are well triaged?)

So to ease this work, I created two stored queries:

QA volunteers concerned with bug priorization are encouraged to check these and
either move them in a consistent highest and MAB or a consistent not-highest
and not-MAB state. Note that usual workflow is still in place, so if you mark
something as a MAB you should provide a good rationale.




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