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Hi Winfried,

On Wed, 2014-01-08 at 12:00 +0100, Winfried Donkers wrote:
Background information:
The company I work for uses MS Visio to create illustrations, which are
embedded into Writer documents (and not saved separately as Visio document). 

        Right =) hopefully this is getting a bit better these days with the
Visio & EMF+ fixes we've been doing for 4.2.

Since we started using LibreOffice versions later than 3.5 (I think), we
have seemingly random problems with LibreOffice freezing when opening an
embedded Visio object.

        Ok - do you have a stack-trace ? if you run 4.2 of course you can get
debugging symbols for that which would make the problem debuggable at
least - a deadlock is a beast that gives a nice stack trace (if you get
all threads).

The problem is very hard to reproduce (I have been trying for months, and
have succeeded only once*), but it can occur multiple times on a single
day for a single user. 

        If we can catch it there and get a good bug filed we can perhaps do
something about it.

The only way out is to kill LibreOffice (or Visio if you're lucky) with
loss of recent changes as result. For my colleagues it is an extremely
annoying problem and it feeds strong anti-LibreOffice feelings.

        Sounds like it would =)

Today, I had a breakthrough: a colleague reported that he received an 
error message, "lgemene OLE fout". Normally, we don't get that, LibreOffice
just freezes.
This string and opengrok led to ERRCODE_SO_GENERALERROR  belonging to the string,
/core/sfx2/source/view/ipclient.cxx, which is the only file where ERRCODE_SO_GENERALERROR is used.

        How do you get from there to here:

This led to a TODO-comment in /core/embeddedobj/source/commonembedding/embobj.cxx, 
OCommonEmbeddedObject::doVerb( ... ):
  " TODO: a gross hack to avoid deadlocks [...] "

        Of course - that code is a shambols - as is most of our 'threading'
code which is mostly based on superstition and a feeling of safety bread
from races not happening that often in the real world =)

I know that the SolarMutex issue is getting attention, and that area is
far beyond my capabilities.

        I rather suspect that the SolarMutex is not the problem in itself; but
the non-Solar mutex :-) Solar Mutex locking is relatively tractable and
comprehensible. The problem mostly comes when people try to be too
clever and use another mutex: which is a recipe for deadlocks.

But could there be a way to recognize these deadlocks and kill these
deadlocks without killing the LibreOffice application ?

        Assuming that we can write a quick mutex (and bear in mind that we
pointlessly take bazillions of these and release them again - just for
the sheer joy of it ;-) often on each method call) that can detect a
deadlock. Then what do we do ? :-) of course, we could try to break the
lock, steal the mutex from the other thread, and let one thread run on
and hand the mutex back later when it was unlocked ;-) but - it seems
like an horrific way to try to deal with the underlying issue.

Possibly, with help from the experts, I might be able to create a
temporary 'patch' ...

I have not created a bug report for this, since I could find no way
to reproduce the problem. Depending on your reaction(s) I will
create the bug report.

        As Michael says - if we get a trace [ of all threads! ] we should have
something to go on to fix this and (often) we can fix the problem easily
enough - often as a side-benefit introducing another threading hazard
elsewhere ;->

*I ran version 4.1.4 and 4.2.0 concurrently, opened a Visio object in
one of the two and both froze. Killing the one with the Visio object,
made the other accessible again.

        Interesting; well if you can reproduce this that's most interesting of

        Thanks for persisting ! looking forward to the trace,



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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