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It was something I'd done!

On 28th December 2013, in a separate post,I reported this -

It seems I may have became a victim of a regression in gcc which helped me with this
statement -

"it breaks with -march=i686 but works with -march=i586."

I then noticed I hadn't set these flags -

export LDFLAGS=""
export CXXFLAGS="-march=i486 -mtune=i486"
export CFLAGS="-march=i486 -mtune=i486"

Once I'd set the flags the compile went through to a successful conclusion

Well though the compile went through successfully I hadn't noticed that that my export of CFLAGS 
seems to have overwritten the generated CFLAGS.

So I've managed to replace 

-O0 -gddb2


-march=i486 -mtune=i486

I've fixed the problem, temporarily, by hacking

< export CXX=/usr/bin/ccache g++
export CXX=/usr/bin/ccache g++ -ggdb2

So my way forward is to decide which of the following options to go for 
     *  remove my externally set flags to see whether my original problem has gone away
     *  to see whether I can supply compiler flags external to without overiding the 
compiler flags generated by autogen .sh.
     *  I could go back to GCC version 4.7 series
     *  try the latest from git as bug 58864 was fixed on 3rd December 2013.
or maybe there's something I hadn't thought of?

Though it does seem a bit bizarre that setting up CFLAG external to can overwrite the 
internally generated CFLAG, i'd have thought it should have concatenated the two - is this a bug?


On Friday 10 Jan 2014 08:43:49 Stephan Bergmann wrote:
On 01/09/2014 11:50 AM, Alex McMurchy wrote:
All this seems to suggest that I haven't compiled correctly to get the
best out of gdb. I've only ever used --enable-dbgutil flag and compiled with
Yes, looks like missing debug information, but --enable-dbgutil should 
provide that.  No idea what's going wrong for you.


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