Hi, On Friday, 2013-05-31 13:41:20 +0200, Michael Stahl wrote:
On 31/05/13 13:32, Noel Power wrote:Seems there is only one ( the oox one ) which takes care of namespace ""http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/excel/formula" Is it possible then that we can have microsoft formula saved in ods ? But.. the ScParserFactoryMap/Pool stuff seems to provide some extensible way of mapping specific parsers, no idea if this is really needed or not ( I guess Eike/Kohei ) would know.the MSO ODF 1.1 filter saves formulas as OOXML, not in the legacy non-standard OpenOffice.org way that every other ODF 1.1 implementation understands, because that way they can claim to implement ODF while carefully avoiding actual real-world interoperability.
Darn, I now know how that FilterFormulaParser was used.. reviving it for https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=56209 Eike -- LibreOffice Calc developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer. GPG key ID: 0x65632D3A - 2265 D7F3 A7B0 95CC 3918 630B 6A6C D5B7 6563 2D3A Support the FSFE, care about Free Software! https://fsfe.org/support/?erack
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