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Le Fri, 13 Sep 2013 12:24:43 +0200, Michael Meeks <> a écrit:

Hi Mat,

On Thu, 2013-09-12 at 00:09 +0200, Mat M wrote:
> Not really a patch. As discussed in the issue, it is a python webapp to > be setup on a webserver. it just need a readable local bare repo to work. > I'd love to commit a patch in opengrok, but I'm afraid my Java score is
> not enough :)

        Ok :-) do you have a live demo on-line we can play with ?

Nope, I have no online sevrer which can host a python program. But code will come, don't worry.

>    Do you have some code I can read ? :-) it's by far the best to share
> your python app by posting it to the dev list - please do CC me, I'd
> love to review (and/or use that).

I will, as soon as the glade question is solved.

        Ok - you're working on that ? :-)

Yes. I read the move-to-glade things on the ML, but missed the link between this and that :)

>    If it's a python app - perhaps we can also include a command-line

Well, request was for a web site, forwarding to opengrok. I think in a

        Oh - sure; but if it's a nice standalone python thing then having a
command-line version would be awesome: developers would use that a lot
for lookups I think.

Since I used it to exercise my python skills, no standalone thing :)
But i will certainly come up with one (python or bash, I don't know), since it is easy to build.

>    Do you support the glade format as well as the res format ?

Hem... The original goal wasd to search in *.[hs]rc to find en-US ref
something ? If you could give a use case, it may become clearer to me.

        Right - so; that is so; but I guess we'd want to avoid the translation/
repository since it's -so- huge :-) Instead I'd just grep for the
strings inside the .ui files. That will map to a filename (at minimum)

        Hopefully that is easy enough ? perhaps easier than all the old-style
src/hrc pieces ?

Yes, Missed the filenames part, since I didn't how how it was referenced from code.
Thank you.

        I'd love to read the code & get it into git somehow. If it's a
standalone thing then getting developers to use it on the commandline
would be a great (and trivial) 1st start before enabling it on some web
infrastructure I think.

Will provide both when glade stuff is done (Hopefully by the end of the week).

        Anyhow - thanks -so- much for your work - this sounds really exciting;
are you coming to the conference in Milan[1] ? if so - a lightning talk
on this would be great :-)
Nope for Milan. My work load does not allow it for now.




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