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On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 05:09:54PM +0200, Jean-Baptiste Kempf wrote:
On 23 Aug, Michael Meeks wrote :
Linux, what do you mean pre-broken?
    I fully expect that every Linux packager in the world looks at VLC and
says: "but really this is 173 packages bundled together, of which we can
only ship 13 by default" - and explodes the thing into 173
mis-configured pieces, and in doing so destroys the value of VLC to
LibreOffice: ie. "it just works" :-)

    Of course; then (I imagine) most people just go and download the real
thing from - so my recommendation is, that we should only
use libVLC if we are reasonably sure it is not the distribution
package :-)
No, all VLC installs are from distributions.
We don't ship anything.
This is of course because the "split into 173 mis-configured pieces" fate is
carefully reserved by packagers for those upstreams that carelessly add 5
exciting new external dependencies with each major release ...




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