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On Mon, 2013-08-19 at 00:53 +0800, Siqi Liu wrote:

The port that I've used was indeed 1599. You might want to open 1598
as well because that was marked in an older implementation, but I'm
not sure that would be helpful in your case... Actually if I
understand correctly, the problem might be related to the
mDNSResponder implementation: each running Impress instance will
advertise a impressremote service, and if multiple services of the
same type are advertised on the same IP address with the same name
(i.e. device's name), there might be a case where multiple instances
will fight for the 1599 port... This is only a guess since I am not
sure exactly how the advertisement works in terms of choosing the

Port 1599 is for communication, Port 1598 is for the LO custom discovery
protocol (the comment in the appropriate file is wrong -- I've fixed
this), i.e. shouldn't need to be opened if you're using bonjour/avahi
(but would need to be opened for the android client to work afaict.
since it doesn't support avahi/bonjour yet?).

If these ports are taken then the server components will probably
silently fail (something that should probably be fixed tbh. Maybe we
should have a dialog shown on startup if any of the bind/listen/etc.
calls fails?). 




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