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Hi everyone,

This week's work:

- Actually enabled use of sdbcx (but isn't all implemented yet).
- Introduced proper memory management for the statement output/input
variables. I still need to look in detail at the management of statement
- Implemented identification of table types being returned in getTables.
- Enabled more sql features ("core SQL Grammar" in the DatabaseMetaData)
to enable features like primary keys within Base -- Primary keys etc.
aren't however usable yet since they require some overrides in the
appropriate helper classes.
- Implemented dropping of tables in sdbcx.
- Implemented column type alteration in sdbcx -- this isn't pushed yet
as it depends on a change currently in gerrit where I've split a dbtools
function to supply the appropriate strings we need.
- Implemented altering of default values.

I'm now working on further support for changes of columns, support for
keys within sdbcx, and the rest of the sdbcx support in general.

I'll also experiment with removing libatomic_ops this week-- it looks
like it already got accidentally disabled at some point, and no
tinderboxes are complaining (and no libatomic_ops exists either in
system library or extracted-by-lo-build form) -- hence it seems that
this isn't a hard dependency, and might only be needed for unsupported
platforms. (Mac < 10.6?)




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