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Hi Marc,

I have a few questions, if I may:

[Preamble : although the questions are direct and may sound harsh or even
hostile, rest assured that I'm genuinely interested by the answers and I
have no preset mind wrt to the wisdom of ProjectLibre joining TDF. But that
would be a big step for both party so I feel it would be best to better
understand the situation. ]

1/ What is your objective wrt to joining TDF. what, except a partial name
overlap with LibreOffice, is the common denominator.
In particular how does ProjectLibre promote the "[...]use of open document
formats and open standards" (TDF Manifesto)

2/ What happened to OpenProj... and what are the indications that a similar
fate is unlikely for ProjectLibre.

3/ What would be your goals/need/wants, wrt to infrastructure: hosting of
git repo, gerrit, jenkins, bugzilla, tinderbox, ML, wiki, etc...

4/ peeking at the source, I may have missed things, but it appears to me
that the level of activity is very low, with most of the coding being
apparently pretty much a one-man operation for the last few month. how is
that going to scale ?
I means, your master branch has seen 85 commit in 12 month... 70-75 of them
by a single person. For perspective, 80 commits is what we see on a weekday
in libreoffice's core repo.



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