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Hello everyone,

I wanted to introduce ProjectLibre <> to the
LibreOffice community.  I have sent an email to Florian on becoming more
involved with TDF.  ProjectLibre is a replacement of Microsoft Project
(which is a multi-billion dollar part of the Office family).   There was a
great article "ProjectLibre edges in on Microsoft Project dominance"

We currently are being used in over 200 countries and will have a major new
release in the late Fall. We are a small dedicated group.   It would be
wonderful to get support in promoting ProjectLibre around the world.  Our
major needs are getting the word out, translations, improved documentation
and a  website cleanup.

I have known many of the LibreOffice people over the years and very pleased
to see the great progress.  I will help promote LibreOffice and hope we can
jointly make a major impact!

All the best,


*Marc O'Brien
<> <>*

**"The open source replacement of Microsoft Project"*


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