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Hi all,

Last week's progress:

-Some minor efficiency improvements in DatabaseMetaData.
-Started working on skeleton SDBCX implementation -- most of this was in
fact getting up to speed on what sdbcx does, and looking at the various
helper classes that seem to do most of the actual work.
-Better handling of statement handles, making sure we clean up all
handles etc.
-Implemented automatic commiting of transactions on DDL statements: this
is done since firebird doesn't carry out DDL statements until a
transaction is committed.
-Removed some duplication in Statement, we only really need 1
implementation of execute*, with different processing of results for
each different execute*.
-Implement correct handling of Varchar, rather than coercing it to a
fixed length CHAR.

I've still not gotten to the bottom of the problem I'm having where
deleted columns continue appear in a "SELECT *": this only occurs when
deleting a column from a table that already existed on startup (i.e. in
a loaded db), creating a new table and then deleting a column works as
expected. I'll probably write a simple standalone C program to test that
this isn't a firebird specific problem.

Currently I'm working on the sdbcx driver implementation and also
continuing to work on various parts of the sdbc driver that are still




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