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On 11 August 2013 21:02, Alex Ivan <> wrote:

Hello everybody,

This past couple of weeks I've gotten a lot of things kind
of working, but nothing really functioning correctly.
These things include:
- Minor tweaks to how default borders are handled on
inserting table and text to table operations, when a table
style is selected.
- Assigning parents to the hard formats of tables and
getting some of the properties to show (the borders don't
update immediately and have yet to get text attributes to
- Fixing undo for applying table styles, but how other
undo operations store data on the table interferes with
this, effectively removing the table style.

There are still some weird crashes happening with tables
created from text. Also, inserting/deleting cells will have
to be changed to take into consideration table styles and
so will cut/copy - pasting.

Essentially, the next week will imply a lot of debugging,
since I've tried fixing most of the aforementioned issues,
but haven't had any luck.

Hi Alex,

I've built your branch a couple times recently and not been able to find
this feature you're working on.  Could you advise on how to try it out?




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