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I remember looking at redlines way back in the dark recesses of time, so I loaded up AndrewMacro.odt
The best I saw there was the ability to enumerate text sections to find 
"Redline" text portion sections.
If I had to determine if the cursor was currently in a redline section, 
my first guess at a solution would probably be to go looking for 
redlines in the text object containing the view cursor and then check 
the start and end point of each redline to see if it contains the 
cursor. Feels like a bad solution to me (as in it is probably slow), but 
it is the best that comes to my mind (assuming I understand your 
question correctly).

On 08/07/2013 09:35 PM, James Michael DuPont wrote:
OK, thank you for your support. I will look into this when I have time.

On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 2:23 PM, Miklos Vajna < <>> wrote:
    On Wed, Aug 07, 2013 at 12:33:35PM -0500, James Michael DuPont
    < <>> wrote:
    > I am feeling stupid here, so please excuse my ignorance, but I
    did not find
    > any api to tell me if the current cursor is in a redline, can
    you please
    > point me in the right direction? I just found an api to give me
    the list of
    > redlines and have been checking the cursor to see if it is in
    one of them.

    As far as I know, that's not directly possible. Here is how I would do
    the API for it:

    - see
      on how to check if an SwPosition (that's the internal equivalent
    of a
      position in the document model) is inside a redline using

    - it's already possible to check if the cursor is e.g. at the end of

      The implementation of that is in the SwXTextViewCursor class:

    >From that, you could add a new isInRedline() method to the
    cursor, which
    would return exactly what you need.



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