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On 07/18/2013 08:09 AM, Eike Rathke wrote:
Hi Kohei,

On Wednesday, 2013-07-17 20:29:06 -0400, Kohei Yoshida wrote:

I'd like to merge Calc's label range functionality (which you can
find in the menu at Insert - Names - Labels) with named range
functionality. The named range functionality is found at Insert -
Names - Define/Manage/Insert. Also, the Create menu item in the same
menu sub-tree is also a part of the named range functionality.Here,
what I basically mean by "merging" is to remove this functionality
and provide some rudimentary mapping to the named range when
importing legacy documents that use this functionality.
As I see it the Label functionality currently can't be replaced by named
expressions (ranges):

* The actual label name displayed is taken from a cell's content,
   formula expressions using a label automatically change their display
   label names whenever that cell content is changed.
   * This is not possible with named ranges.
Sure. But is this *that* important to users? To me the whole label range implementation is such a duplicate functionality for very little marginal difference, and I'm not really sure if that difference even matters.

* One label names exactly one row or one column, expressions or
   multi-column/row ranges are not possible.
   * The named expressions dialog could restrict that though.

I don't see how that restriction could be useful. You can define one column / one row only named ranges (or database ranges for that matter). Is there a use case where having this restriction is useful in real life?

* The label name can include spaces and other arbitrary characters that
   in a formula expression would have special meanings, using such a name
   in an expression is possible by enclosing the entire label name in
   single quotes. A label name can even be a string that otherwise would
   be a cell reference.
Yes. And the fact that this can be a string is actually very scary to me. This potentially makes tracking references very difficult without sacrificing performance. Dropping it would enable us to optimize it further.

   * A named range currently has to consist of alphanumeric+underscore
     characters and can't resemble a cell reference.
   * ODFF does provide means to store usage of such non-simple names
     though with $$SingleQuoted but we need to implement that in the
     formula compiler (anyway), see

Furthermore we probably could use exactly the Label functionality for
the GSoC "Enhanced Database Ranges" Table feature when it comes to
in-Table formula expressions adressing the Table's rows or columns.
Actually it would be necessary to support identical label names for
different Tables (ranges) within one sheet, again this is not possible
with named ranges.

I'd rather we extend the database range code to support these missing bits rather than piggybacking on top of the label range code. I don't see it as a reason why we need to keep label range.


-- Kohei Yoshida, LibreOffice Calc hacker, SUSE.


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