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Hi Eike,

Increasing MAXRECURSION 'solves' the problem.
It may cure the symptom in this specific case, but does not solve the
I fully agrre.

You're misreading history ;-)
History was never my strongest subject and as your and Kohei's name comes up every other commit on 
these two source files, I hoped that you would remember/know. And you do, thank you.

I presume it is the combination of BackSolver iteration and recursion.
Setting an error if MAXRECURSION is reached is not appropriate.
I somehow knew it wouldn't be that simple.

Unfortunately, I can't quite grasp the recursion/interation process in
ScFormulaCell::Interpret(), so I can't generate the appropiate error.
That thing is a beast and time consuming to debug. To understand what it
does it would help to set MAXRECURSION to 5 or so and have a few more
simple recursing formula cells to step through. (A9:=A8 A8:=A7 ...)

Setting up a simple BackSolver scenario that kicks in badly with the reduced
limit might be equally challenging..
Well, I will see if I can rise to the challenge ;-)



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