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Hello Everyone,
In the beginning of the week,I was able to complete the required changes in
XML parser function(for extracting slide layout information).

But,after that I was caught up with the unit-test error(related to
configuration XML file) for rest of the 4 days.It seemed to me as a bug in
the unit-test process,because in-spite of having made proper entry in the
"" and  "layoutlist.xml"  being  added at "unit-test"
file-path,the error came up(with wrongly generated path). I have already
posted my question to mailing-list
I am thankful for the reply from Markus.
And I will soon resolve this error with appropriate guidance and discussion
on mailing-list/ IRC.

As of now ,I have moved ahead with addition of some new layouts to
"layoutlist.xml". I will peak up more speed from now on-wards.

Also for the current status:
+ I pushed one commit with required changes(last week).
+ XML parser works in-spite of unit-test errors.
+ So information from configuration XML file "layoutlist.xml" is
extracted perfectly.

Thanks & Regards,
Vishv Brahmbhatt

On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 8:30 PM, Vishv Brahmbhatt <> wrote:

Hello Everyone,

Here is the  
to my blog for the weekly report update.

Thanks & Regards,
Vishv Brahmbhatt

On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 6:34 PM, Vishv Brahmbhatt <> wrote:

Hello Everyone,

Before the beginning of  this week ,I was debugging on impress slide
layouts.Basically,I got to understand the mechanism of creation of slide
layouts in the "normal" page,in the master pages like "notes" and "handout"
and much more.

Currently in the slide layouts, Placeholder object's
height,width,position are hard-coded. So,I did following things during this

+So at first ,I started with creation of XML file  which stores following
(1) Layout Type
(2) "PresObj" Kind
(3) Position co-ordinates of "PresObj"
(4) Size of "PreObj"(Width and Height)

+ I have started coding XML parser, which will read this information from
XML file and set the appropriate parameters in the function
"CalcAutoLayoutRectangles" (This function  calculates/sets  the Top
Position,Height and Width of Rectangle "PresObj" used.) And this will
parser will help in bringing configurability with Slide Layouts.

+ So XML parser should be fully completed, probably by "Monday" or
"Tuesday"(mostly it should get completed by this weekend).

+ Next week,I will work on  understanding "Slide Mater View" and  on
using "Slide Mater View" to edit the current built-in layouts.

Vishv Brahmbhatt


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