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On Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 12:21 PM, Michael Stahl <> wrote:
On 08/07/13 10:37, John Smith wrote:

I tried running a more verbose 'make' :

.... And I dont get it. It looks like '-fprofile-arcs' and '-lgcov'
*are* being passed correctly on the cmd line, but *still* there is the

Or am I simply misinterpreting the error, and has it got noting to do
with gcov ?
it is likely caused by:

$(eval $(call gb_Library_add_ldflags,pyuno_wrapper,-nostdlib))

see the lengthy comment above the line in
for why it is needed to avoid linking in libstdc++.

although actually nowadays (c007292ec3eedcf2b1ad673308fa42aad31a7333) we
could probably remove that line, since we now use gcc not g++ to link if
the library has only C objects.

... have just pushed 6121703620ed344b181a9f07a7262a664477a209 to revert
that, should fix your problem.

Thank you very much. Ill update the sources and re-build (although
that may take a while). Il let you know how it goes. (If this is the
cause&solution, im curious why Miklos Vajna didnt seem to run into it


John Smith


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