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Firebird (or at least libfbembed) is now succesfully buildable wit
cygwin/msvc, however I can't get gbuild to find the necessary libs, I'm
still getting the following error:

C:/cygwin/home/andy/libo/solenv/gbuild/ ***
gb_Deliver_deliver: file does not exist in solver, and cannot be
C:/cygwin/home/andy/libo/solver/  Stop.

The appropriate lines in are:

ifeq ($(OS)$(COM),WNTMSC)
$(eval $(call
$(eval $(call
$(eval $(call
$(eval $(call
$(eval $(call

I've tried playing with the namings/paths but that hasn't helped (I had
similar issues for a while when working on the Linux build, but that
eventually worked with the above naming). (For some reason all the
output libraries are put in bin/ rather than lib/ when building FB on
windows, but pretending they're in lib/ doesn't help either.)



On 04/07/13 18:25, Andrzej J. R. Hunt wrote:
I've now managed to get libfbembed (what we need) to link. The build
system fails after this point (it continues to build other things which
we don't need for firebird embedded), so I think I'll probably just
modify the main makefile to only build up to this point for now -- in
the long term I'd still like to make the whole thing work and get it
into firebird upstream though (probably more worthwhile for Firebird 3
given it's still under development). I'll still need to fiddle with
gbuild so that it finds the .dll and .lib in the right place, but
hopefully there shouldn't be any more major issues with using firebird
on windows.


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