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* Present:
        + hangout: Joel, Tsahi, Ellie, Kendy, Petr, Michael M, Andras
        + phone: Stephan, Thorsten, David, Caolan, Lionel, Michael S,
                 Javier, Bjoern, Cedric

* Completed Action items:
        + fix 4.1 gallery building on Mac (Michael?)
        + add Joel & Kohei to ESC / circles (Michael)
        + revive writer default templates discussion - pwrt. incremental change (Ahmad)
                + discussion pending on #libreoffice-design on Sunday.
        + merge doxygen branch to master & add version check to configure (Michael S)
                [ merged, thanks for tinderbox mending ]

* Pending Action items:
        + feedback on stepped-lines dialog (Astron)
        + write up our less visible features (Michael)
                [ in progress ]
        + get the gerrit / mail digest bits setup (Bjoern)
                [ in progress, scripts in dev-tools ]
        + send cached-value #ifdef out patch to Bjoern (Markus)
        + kill calc / inherited number formatting for 4.1 (Markus)
                + review it, and if Kohei approves -> goes in past feature freeze (Kohei)
        + extend the release plan to 4.3, 4.4 ? (Petr)
                [ pending ]
        + quick look at highlight bug (calc guys)
        + give Stephan rights to update the certification wiki page (Thorsten)

* Release Engineering update (Petr)
        + 3.6.7 schedule - deadline: June 24th for rc1
                + 2 weeks from the rc1 deadline, last chance for 3.6 fixes
        + 4.0.4 status
                + rc2 deadline - Monday 10th
                + anything else: get it in with tripple review.
        + 4.1 Beta2 status
                + tagged & windows builds are complete.
                + delayed for some late-features but - went well
                + many fixes: thanks for the good work.
        + 4.1 RC1 deadline - June 17th
                + one+ week away ...
**              + hard feature freeze + string freeze  **
                + and at this point we start double review of patches
        + 4.1 pending / watch features / issues
                + report builder extension:
                        + code that used to check which one to use (Stephan)

* QA update (Joel)
                + wow: +159 -220 => -61
                + a big thanks to top five:
                        Jorendc: 42
                        Joel Madero: 40
                        James: 25
                        ign_christian: 18
                        Florian Reisinger: 7
        + unconfirmed bug count down to lowest since Joel joined the project.
        + Fixed but not marked fixed ?
                - bugs that have "committed a patch" in
                  comment but are not marked as fixed
                + around 100 of these
        + QA Contest
                + Announced to user list, dev list, website, QA,
                  and projects list
                        + not enough response yet
AI:             + banner advert might be good for this chase marketing (Joel)

        + needinfo project update (?)
                + up-loaded the stats.
                + 383 bugs touched, 297 still needinfo,
                  others acted on: closed, fixed, info supplied etc.
                + if filers do not respond in another week - we
                  will close around ~300 issues.
        + sent a bug highlight: popular, 5 dups
        + Need_Advice bugs input appreciated
                + 6 bugs in that state

        + Suggest to GSoC to introduce themselves on the QA list (GSOC mentors)
          see e.g.:

* Hamburg hack-fest (Bjoern)
        + Contact at University of Hamburg
                + opportunity to distribute flyers, don't have any though so ...
                + a base-design of a hack-fest flyer would be awesome
                + otherwise Bjoern will make up his own.
AI:     + ping design list (Bjoern)

* coordinated tinderboxing (Bjoern)

        "robust asyncronous tinderbox coodinator"
                - Coordinate one or more tinderboxes running a build
                  scenario or test suite
                - Distribute the work to all tinderboxes
                - Without blocking, if a tinderbox does not come back with a result
                - In fact, there is no discrete 'tinderbox timeout' -- if a build
                  is scheduled for one scenario, the builder gives an estimation
                  on when it comes back. This pushes the scheduling away from
                  that specific area. This 'pushing away' is fading with time,
                  so the longer the tinderbox takes, the less the coodinator
                  will divert others from that commit area.
                - tb3 does building of new commits as well as bisection, using
                  scoring. That is: If the branch is broken on a build/test
                  scenario, it will try to bisect to the commit that introduced
                  the trouble, but it will also keep an eye on new commits.
                  As a rule of thumb: If there are more new commits on the head
                  than remaining to be bisected, it will schedule a head commit.
                - the scoring of the bisection or head can be adjusted by the builder

        + nice work -> enabling it on a few tinderboxes to start
          with, and then pushing that out slowly

* GSOC update (Cedric)
        + by June 17th, all students need to appear, react, and be
          ready to start coding.
                + failing that, we would cancel the initial payment.
        + so far, all students answered, contacted list, seems ok.
                + need to get git push access by that time
        + mid-term evaluations:
                + July 29th -> Aug 3rd
                + final evaluations during the LibreOffice Conf.
        + nudge to introduce themselves on the QA list too ?
AI:             + get people introduced there (GSOC mentors)

* UX input (Mirek/Astron)
        + need a plan here.

* Firebird work (from Igalia)
        + Javier - introduction:
                + Free Software hacker, ten years experience, mainly
                  GNOME / gtk+, likes middleware + UI level, fits in
                  many layers.
                + discovering what LibreOffice is about, and where to
        + building a Firebird driver to replace HSQLDB
        + doing work in branch feature/firebird-sdbc
                + to co-ordinate with Andrzej etc.
        + pushed, and works reasonably somewhat
                + prepares statements, makes queries, iterates tables
                + native SDBC driver vs. C API of Firebird 2.5
                + C++ API appears not to be a great choice for now
        + migration issues (Lionel)
                + have you looked at HSQLDB file-format ?
                + can we get rid of the Java dependency, and write an
                  HSQLDB data sucker ?
                + table-structures - just a plain set of SQL statements
                + and a binary blob with the data in it
                + more work to do before importing HSQLDB (Javier)
AI:             + send notes on hsqldb file-format to Ihalia (Michael)
        + issues:
                + avoiding file in temporary directory
                        + hsqldb - situation is that write-to-file java
                          classes are over-ridden, to call directly to
                          zipfile procedures (Lionel)
                        + advantages / disadvantages variously of each
                        + much of file save writes to temporary files
                          anyway, so not a big issue (Michael)
                + C++ vs. plain C, Andrzej - preferred
                  the C++ API, but initial work on C API.
                        + C++ API delayed for around a year
                + discuss in the list.

* New committers:
        + got commit access for most of the GSOC students.
        + Florian Reisinger
        + also for Abdul Aziz, Abdulmajid, Faisal @ KACST
        + Andrez Gomez @ Igalia - for firebird development
AI:     + update Thorsten on OTRS wrt. new commits (Bjoern)

* Certification Program (Stephan/Kendy/Bjoern)
        + need to send certificates out - blocking on Italo
        + however, everyone is notified
        + pinged design list for a logo, nothing yet

* Changing default printer during mail-merge (Ellie)
        + can only put a subset of print options on the
          mail-merge object, printer is tied to document normally
        + printer & print options are changeable on the document (Cedric)
        + how to get the documents that mail-merge generates and
          manipulate that ? (Lionel)
        + add missing API to select the printer to mail-merge (Ellie)

* Open 4.1 MAB
        + 7 (of 32) older 3/26 3/23 4/17 3/16 3/16 3/14 2/13 2/11

* Open 4.0 MAB
        + 14 (of 130) older 16/129 16/128 18/129 17/126 18/125 24/122 22/118 19/115
             11%             13%    14%    13%    14%     20%    19%    17%

* 3.6 most annoying bugs ...
        + 68 (of 235) older 67/232 69/231 71/229 72/228 75/226 75/225 75/225 75/223
             29%             30%    31%    32%    33%    33%    34%    33%

* Bibisected bugs open: whiteboard 'bibsected'
        + 39 (of 114) older 41/112 36/105 35/100 36/100 30/90 28/88 26/85

* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
        + 292(-10) bugs open of 1598(+20) total

        * ~Component   count net *
                Writer - 102 (-5)
          Presentation -  29 (-1)
           Libreoffice -  25 (+0)
               Crashes -  25 (+0)
           Spreadsheet -  23 (-3)
              Database -  23 (+2)
               Drawing -  19 (+0)
               Borders -  15 (+1)
             Migration -   4 (+0)
                 BASIC -   2 (-1)

        + Migration:

--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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