The "Check for Updates" could be automatic?
Now users have to click the "Check for Updates" button by themselves. They
probably miss the updates.
I'm wondering is it possible to (e.g.) write an extension that perform the
"check for updates" every time LibreOffice start?
[image: Inline image 1]
On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 6:44 PM, Jan Holesovsky <> wrote:
Hi Tantai,
Tantai Thanakanok píše v Pá 03. 05. 2013 v 12:25 +0700:
Can extension update automatically?
I found this but
it is a manual process
I checked an unopkg
command, it also no command
to update an extension
How anyone provide the way to do this?
The server part for automatic updates of the extensions is missing. Are
you interested in helping to create that? - please let me know if yes.
I'll gladly provide you with the code pointers, and what exactly has to
be done there :-)
All the best,
![PNG image](pngZ9YeoKUCph.png)
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