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Hi Helmar,

I'm also trying to build the LibreOffice SDK with MinGW. Goal is to
connect an application compiled with MinGW to LibreOffice on Windows,
Linux and may be other platforms. Since my attampts to cross compile
LibreOffice are not very successfully, I have two questions, before
investing more time in that.
In case youare interested I can submit my MinGW development environment for
LO --- the office as stand-alone "beast" seems to work pretty well with
some adjustments in the code (at least as far I was able to test it...).
Please contact me directly on my e-mail account, I think there is too much
code to be transferred via the list...

May be also others (including the libreoffice team, e. g. dtardon) are 
interested in those files. Is there another (public) way to share those files 
easily? (May be github or  something like that)

Difficulties arise as soon as the UNO-environment contacts the office and
tries to get information with regards to services and interfaces. To be
very cautious: I have the feeling that the information submitted by the
office is correct, but somehow allocated memory in the UNO bridge seems to
get corrupted (under very special circumstances I was able to remote
control the office to create a new document...). Since the UNO-bridge is
based on several threads my guess is that there is a problem with
thread-safe use of shared memory. Unfortunately, at the moment I am bound
with a money earning project, so my time for this issue is rather limited.
However, I definitely will help in any possible way to solve this problem.

So far the MinGW build is still a very experimental thing; I mostly use
that when I develop something Windows-only because I can still keep my
workflow, but as the binaries built with the MinGW SDK will be
incompatible with the LibreOffice release builds, I am not sure it makes
much sense to invest effort in that at this stage.

Does it mean, that an application linked against the MinGW SDK, could not
connect to a MSVC standard libreoffice installation?

Well, I use a 2 years old SDK (MinGW) which is able to connect to an
off-the-shelf MS-LibreOffice. Sure, there are some shortcomings (not all
event listeners work properly), but for my application it is sufficient.

Ok, so it seems to be at least an alternative.

And second, what are the alternatives of using the SDK to connect to
LibreOffce (if an compiler switch to MSVC is not wanted)? Ole connection
may be used, but ole is not platform independent (or is it available
under linux or MacOS?).
SDK and Linux is a dream - it simply works.
SDK and Windows is not so easy (I have problems to compile the SDK stuff
under MSVC - however my MSVC knowledge is rather small; I definitely would
prefer MinGW). A (Mac-addicted) colleague told me that the SDK for MacOS
available half a year ago only contained code for 32-Bit Macs, which does
not work with recent 64-Bit machines/os'es. I don't know the actual
situation with regards to that issue, but I would expect that using the
correct wordlength the MacOS-SDK should be comparable to the Linux version.

Over all, the SDK seems to be not as platfrom independent as the LibreOffice 
project itself.




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