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On 04/26/2013 02:22 AM, Markus Mohrhard wrote:

2013/4/26 Markus Mohrhard < <>>

        But if not the above, I would let the original code be, i.e.
        revert the change.

    Then please revert. I like how all people who never touched the
    file decide the formatting of this file. Oh and the next time you
    think one of my calc changes does not fit your style guide please
    directly revert. I don't care anymore.

I just reverted it. Let us stop the discussion here.

How sad. I would've wanted to keep it. Do people need to scrutinize each and every commit to this degree? I find that deeply disturbing...

Kohei Yoshida, LibreOffice Calc hacker, SUSE.


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