Hi, If this is not the correct mailing list or place to discuss this: let me know. I didn't find any extensions related mailing list. I have a problem with a extension that it's working on Linux and Windows but not on Mac. If you have some extension implemented using Python and that works on Mac and Libreoffice 4: let me know where I can download, I'll probably be able to fix myself comparing a couple of things. The problem is that on the installation LibreOffice 4 reports this error: "(com.sun.star.lang.DispoedException) {{{ Message="Binary URP bridge disposed during call", Context = (com.sun.star.uno.XInterface) @21f87558 }}}" (either using the Tools - Extensions or unopkg command line). Doing a bit of investigation I've found that if I delete this line: <manifest:file-entry manifest:media-type="application/vnd.sun.star.uno-component;type=Python" manifest:full-path="Scripts/MendeleyDesktopAPI.py"/> from the file (inside the extension) META-INF/manifest.xml then it can be installed correctly (but it doesn't work). Is this a bug of the LibreOffice on Mac? Any ideas about what to try next? The Python works as expected on LibrOffice 4 on Linux and Windows, so it should not be a Python related problem. Thank you! -- Carles Pina i Estany Web: http://pinux.info || Blog: http://pintant.cat