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Hi everyone,

The app now supports full slideshow control and a basic slide preview.
It's not particularly pretty yet, but it works (and is surprisingly fast
and easy to implement...). I'm going to look into making a proper UI now.

On 12/04/13 09:51, Michael Meeks wrote:
      Nice. Arguably repeating the experience of the physics in the coverflow
widget would not be so great for switching slides ;-) I'd love to see
that changed to need a scroll + tap to switch slide on Android even...
Yep, I'll look at various options. As it's all html+js it's
comparatively easy to implement and test various designs for
comparisons. (This could conceivably be integrated directly back into
the android app using a webview or similar if needed, but that might
actually be more complicated a path to take.)

Screenshot is attached as per usual..



Attachment: b2g_sdremote_3_red.png
Description: PNG image


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