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Where I've got to thus far is -

Line 209 is not called in 

206 // Iterate over all listeners and pass events.
207 OInterfaceIteratorHelper aIt( mpManager->aScriptListeners );
208 while( aIt.hasMoreElements() )
209 ((XScriptListener *)>firing( aScriptEvent );

So I commented out lines 1279 and 1280 in 
1277 void SAL_CALL OInterfaceContainer::removeScriptListener( const Reference< 
XScriptListener >& xListener ) throw(IllegalArgumentException, 
1278 {
1279 //mcmurchy if ( )
1280 //mcmurchy m_xEventAttacher->removeScriptListener( xListener );
1281 }

which gets me to lines 439/440 in 
/home/libreoffice/core/svx/source/form/fmscriptingenv.cxx before returning which 
suggests that scripting isn't running

437 // SfxObjectShellRef is good here since the model controls the lifetime of 
the object
438 SfxObjectShellRef xObjectShell = m_rFormModel.GetObjectShell();
439 if( !xObjectShell.Is() )
440 return;


On Monday 08 Apr 2013 17:06:30 Lionel Elie Mamane wrote:
On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 09:46:44AM +0000, 
In the bug report it was confirmed that a macro assigned to either
the Before Unloading or When Unloading events of a dataform are not
called when the form document is closed.

However, when editing a form and the "Design Mode" option is toggled
the events are called.

I completely missed that in my first reading of your mail:

 The *same* event (namely "Before Unloading" on the FormData) is:

 1) *not* called when closing the form document

 2) *called* when switching normal mode to design mode

So we need to see *what* codepath calls it in case "2)" (with the
msgbox / ctrl-c in gdb trick I described). That's already more or less
done, with Noel's quote of:


 258     // --- 4. load resp. unload the forms
 259     FmFormPage*  pCurPage = GetCurPage();
 260     if ( pCurPage )
 261     {
 262         if ( pFormShell && pFormShell->GetImpl() )
 263             pFormShell->GetImpl()->loadForms( pCurPage, ( bDesign ?
FORMS_UNLOAD : FORMS_LOAD ) ); 264     }

The operative call seems to be:
 pFormShell->GetImpl()->loadForms(pCurPage, FORMS_UNLOAD)

And then, we need to find where we need to call
 pFormShell->GetImpl()->loadForms(pCurPage, FORMS_UNLOAD)
in the case "1)". My idea for that is to see what triggers the *form*
*document* "before close" event (there does not seem to be a "before
unload" event for it). That codepath should call
 pFormShell->GetImpl()->loadForms(pCurPage, FORMS_UNLOAD)

I've taken a look, and this the relevant part of the backtrace:

#36 0x00007f745fce2226 in SfxObjectShell::PrepareClose
(this=0x3d2a1a0, bUI=<optimized out>,
    bForBrowsing=<optimized out>)
or.cxx:596 #37 0x00007f742c1e82a7 in SwDocShell::PrepareClose
(this=0x3d2a1a0, bUI=<optimized out>,
    bForBrowsing=<optimized out>)
h2.cxx:317 #38 0x00007f745fd87500 in SfxBaseController::suspend
(this=0x3e89980, bSuspend=<optimized out>)
asecontroller.cxx:650 #39 0x00007f743c5a1955 in
dbaccess::ODocumentDefinition::prepareClose (this=0x31dfe30)
dataaccess/documentdefinition.cxx:2058 #40 0x00007f743c5b4c74 in
(this=0x2ca0990, _pDispatcher=0x3d680f0)

But frankly, at this point I'm not sure how to get the "pFormShell"
and "pCurPage" somewhere in this call stack; I think we need to do
that in SwDocShell::PrepareClose or SfxObjectShell::PrepareClose

Mcmurchy1917, I've also seen your email looking at the
"m_aLoadListeners.notifyEach( &XLoadListener::unloading, aEvt );"
That looks like a promising avenue, too.


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