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Hi Thomas,

On Tue, Apr 02, 2013 at 06:02:52PM +0200, Thomas Hackert wrote:
    In English // steps

        Launch LibreOffice main program (vp. 1)
        Click on the "File" menu (vp. 2 vp. 3)

    In English // expected result

        1. The welcome window should be appeared

That is a different point, I nearly forgot ... :( IIRC the welcome
window only appears, when no LO was installed before, or am I wrong
;? Thanks for your answer (and forwarding this mail to the dev ML as
well Thomas.  <Rest snipped>

Did you mean "splash screen", which is I usually called, with loading
progress bar during launching LO? It disappears after LO loaded.

The welcome window in test case means the first screen shown
immediately after launching `libreoffice` without components (writer,
calc, base etc.)  opened.

The screenshot explains it :)

Best wishes,

  Yifan Jiang
  Libreoffice / SUSE
  Contact: yifan -

Attachment: welcome-screen.png
Description: PNG image


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