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On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 3:49 PM, Stephan Bergmann <> wrote:
On 03/04/2013 02:36 PM, Krisztian Pinter wrote:
I've been tasked with this easyhack:

I started with this source, because it seemed easy enough:

Code in rsc/source/tools (despite the "tools" in the path) is not what
<> "write tools/ pieces
out" talks about.

That's right, Krisztian wanted to replace types defined in
tools/fsys.hxx with types defined in osl/file.hxx. At
DirEntry::SetExtension() member function is used, and he did not find
similar member function in sal.

The rsc module implements a resource compiler for .src/.hrc files
(thankfully obsoleted now by moving to .ui files), see rsc/README.

Is this true? AFAIK only dialogs are moving to .ui, strings,
messageboxes etc. stay in .src.

Best regards,


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