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Hi Prashant,

2013/2/17 Prashant Pandey <>


I need some guidance as am stuck at a place.
How should I replace 'erase' using guidelines given under
If I try to fit 'replaceAt' in place of 'erase' in the line bolded below:

*            aRealStyle.Erase(aRealStyle.Search(aSep) + aSep.Len());*

it will give me error (if I do : *aRealStyle.replaceAt(aRealStyle.indexOf(aSep)
+ aSep.getLength());*)


replaceAt defined as: rtl::OUString rtl::OUString::replaceAt(sal_Int32,
sal_Int32, const rtl::OUString&) const
(candidate expects 3 arguments, 1 provided)
error: no matching function for call to

My question is, what should I pass inside the replaceAt()

I would suggest you write this:
*    sal_int32 idx = **aRealStyle.indexOf(aSep) + aSep.getLength();*
*    **aRealStyle = aRealStyle.replaceAt(idx, **aRealStyle.getLength()
- **aRealStyle,


   - If nIndex is set then can use replaceAt with an arg of an empty string
   (from the wiki page)
   - The second argument is the count, and here we replace until the end of
   the string
   - Since OUString is immutable, you must assign back the resulting
   OUString if you do not want to lose it




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