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On 02/07/2013 10:17 AM, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
On 02/07/2013 03:17 PM, Kohei Yoshida wrote:
Moving this to the list.  I need some clarification.

On 02/07/2013 08:38 AM, Stephan Bergmann (via Code Review) wrote:
Stephan Bergmann has posted comments on this change.

Change subject: API CHANGE: unpublish

Patch Set 1: I would prefer that you didn't submit this

I would suggest to restrict API changes to major/minor releases as
much as possible.

Sure, but we really *need* this change.

How is that specific change (which just takes away a "published") in
isolation needed now on libreoffice-4.0?

My hope was to keep it in sync with how the API is used in reality, and I thought that sooner we did it the better.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against unpublishing that old-style
"documentation only" service at all (I wouldn't even be opposed to
changing it while it was still marked published, if there is need for
that).  I just doubt it is useful to make this "announcement" in a micro
release.  (We will want to keep a track of what incompatible changes
were made when, and things will be kept simpler if we try to keep such
changes to x.y.0 releases.)

Ok. Then I'm fine with not cherry-picking this to 4.0. It won't change anything anyway in practice, and if avoiding the announcement is important (or keeping the list of API CHANGES small) then I'll be fine with it.

   (It is already committed to master towards LO 4.1 anyway AFAIU,
though the commit message lacks a "cherry-picked from" reference.)

And I'm confused about this comment.  Are we now required to include
"cherry-picked form" in each cherry-picked commit?  I hope not.

I think using "cherry-pick -x" to get that comment added doesn't hurt
(though it's sure no big thing if one forgets specifying that "-x" either).

Ah! Well, if it's just adding the -x option to that command is all it takes then I'm fine with it, and I'll start doing it in my next cherry-pick. I wrongly assumed that this had to be inserted manually, which would've taken lots of extra effort.



Kohei Yoshida, LibreOffice hacker, Calc


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