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On Sat, 2013-01-26 at 21:49 -0800, Joel Madero wrote:
static void lcl_SavePrintUIOptionsToDocumentPrintData

is what is saving print options and that it's being called regardless of 
if cancel or ok is being pushed (no good). So I'm trying to track down 
something that is only called when Cancel is pushed so that I can move 
the above function elsewhere. But unfortunately I can't use gdb for the 
above function -- no clue why but it never appears to work with breaks).

        IIWY I'd insert a break-point thus:

        break unotxdoc.cxx:12345

        where 12345 is the line-number of the lcl_ function that is most likely
inlined (as static 's tend to be) which usually confuses gdb nicely ;-)
[ when compiled with -g -O2 etc. ].



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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