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On 01/24/2013 12:33 AM, Henrik /KaarPoSoft wrote:
On 01/23/2013 04:54 PM, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
On 01/23/2013 08:31 AM, Henrik /KaarPoSoft wrote:
I have attached the last 100 lines of build output leading to the error.
 undefined reference to `typeinfo for salhelper::SimpleReferenceObject'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** 
 Error 1
leaves me clueless.  I see nothing in chart2 that uses 
SvxForbiddenCharactersTable (except for an apparently unused #include I 
just killed on master with 
"Unused #include."
Depending on what you have in /opt, your autogen.lastrun's

# Pick up dependencies in /opt
could be the source of lots of trouble.
What kind of trouble are you referring to?
For example, providing your own LDFLAGS bypasses some settings the LO 
build system would otherwise do for you, cf.
gb_LinkTarget__get_ldflags=$(if $(LDFLAGS),$(LDFLAGS),$(call gb_LinkTarget__get_debugldflags,$(1)))
in solenv/gbuild/  And with libraries found on 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH taking precedence over libraries found via RPATH 
settings, any executables built and run during the LO build can 
erroneously pick up libraries from LD_LIBRARY_PATH instead of ones from 
its own build.  Stuff like that.
Also some unittests fail, which I have then disabled.
Further subsequenttest also fails.
And the final product fails just after showing the splash screen.
Your strace lines like

9579  08:05:59.537424 openat(AT_FDCWD,
or directory)
9579  08:05:59.537514 open("dkten-US.res", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
9579  08:05:59.537672

F_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
9579  08:05:59.537725
F_OK) = 0
9579  08:05:59.537767

F_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
look oddly truncated.  For example, there should be a
.../program/boostraprc file that soffice.bin would indeed try to open
early on.
Sorry, I just ran LO with --strace option.
Attached is the corresponding output with strace -s2048

Apart from not finding "libreoffice/program/../program/boot"
the search for "libreoffice/program/../progra" (without trailing m)
looks suspicious
With "oddly truncated" I did mean the filenames in the strace output 
(which should never be truncated by strace, regardless of any -s 
settings).  (And there's a typo in what I wrote, the non-truncated 
filename is "bootstraprc", not "boostraprc".)


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